Random Acts of Kindness
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" Aesop
Kindness is contagious! Everyday for two weeks, look for a way to be kind to someone whether a friend, a relative, a neighbour or a complete stranger. Put a smile on someone's face and spread the sunshine!
Every year the students from Buncrana YouthReach take one day out from their studies to do show kindness and generosity to people in the town during Feel Good Fortnight. Watch out for them this year and why not follow their example as an individual, a family or a local group.
Stuck for ideas? Try some of these:
• Write a thank you letter.
• Allow someone to go ahead of you in the queue.
• Pay for someone’s shopping trolley.
• Pick up a piece of litter.
• Give up your seat on the bus.
• Take a spare shopping bag to the supermarket and give it away.
• Give an unexpectedly large tip to your waiter / waitress.
• Wash up all the cups in the staff kitchen.
• Say thank you to someone who has been a help or inspiration to you.
• Hold the door open for someone
• Donate books to the library
• Give flowers to someone for no special reason
• Phone or visit someone who is sick
• Cook a meal for someone who is especially busy
• Help someone load or unload their shopping
• Be generous with compliments or words of encouragement
• Bake someone a cake
• Make a positive comment on Facebook or on someone’s blog
• Be a generous driver - allow someone to pull out in front of you
• Smile at people
• Volunteer with one of the great local community groups
• Have a clear out and take unwanted items to SVP or another local charity shop
• Write a letter to a relative/friend to say how much they mean to you and why
• Join Tidy Towns
• Knit a scarf for the Christmas shoebox appeal
• Bring your co-workers a special treat
• Offer to babysit
• Think of your own creative and fun ideas
Kindness is contagious! Everyday for two weeks, look for a way to be kind to someone whether a friend, a relative, a neighbour or a complete stranger. Put a smile on someone's face and spread the sunshine!
Every year the students from Buncrana YouthReach take one day out from their studies to do show kindness and generosity to people in the town during Feel Good Fortnight. Watch out for them this year and why not follow their example as an individual, a family or a local group.
Stuck for ideas? Try some of these:
• Write a thank you letter.
• Allow someone to go ahead of you in the queue.
• Pay for someone’s shopping trolley.
• Pick up a piece of litter.
• Give up your seat on the bus.
• Take a spare shopping bag to the supermarket and give it away.
• Give an unexpectedly large tip to your waiter / waitress.
• Wash up all the cups in the staff kitchen.
• Say thank you to someone who has been a help or inspiration to you.
• Hold the door open for someone
• Donate books to the library
• Give flowers to someone for no special reason
• Phone or visit someone who is sick
• Cook a meal for someone who is especially busy
• Help someone load or unload their shopping
• Be generous with compliments or words of encouragement
• Bake someone a cake
• Make a positive comment on Facebook or on someone’s blog
• Be a generous driver - allow someone to pull out in front of you
• Smile at people
• Volunteer with one of the great local community groups
• Have a clear out and take unwanted items to SVP or another local charity shop
• Write a letter to a relative/friend to say how much they mean to you and why
• Join Tidy Towns
• Knit a scarf for the Christmas shoebox appeal
• Bring your co-workers a special treat
• Offer to babysit
• Think of your own creative and fun ideas